Thursday, May 24, 2007

Crackdown - Xbox 360

Crackdown is an empty vessel but it can make a LOT of appealing noise. It is devoid of significant characters except for the sarcastic, disembodied voice that serves as co-pilot and tutor to your mute, latent superhuman aka "Agent". Anyone who played GTA or any of its clones will be familiar with Crackdown's open world style. Its contribution to the genre is being able to pick up a "commandeered" car (or Scud missile transport), jump from the street to the roof of a several story building in a single leap while carrying said vehicle, drive said vehicle while atop said building and...take it from there...It sets the bar for future super-hero games and some Spiderman 3 reviews are already comparing that game in a negative light to Realtime Worlds' offering.

The recent downloadable content with additional vehicles and activities is also worthwhile. "Street Racing" Crackdown-style can be particularly entertaining; while your AI competitors try to navigate the city at high speed, you build roadblocks, shoot out their tyres...or whatever takes your fancy.

A friend noted that he considered Quake a tapestry with Half-Life 2 being the masterpiece. It will be interesting to see how future titles paint the bar that Crackdown has raised.

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