Friday, November 16, 2007

BioShock - Xbox 360

BioShock offers simple moral choices and a character and weapon enhancement system that bears comparison to Deus Ex. It adds a survival-horror theme and buckets of style - the use of (fore)shadow and sound is wonderful. The score is also fantastic and available to download.

Fortunately, BioShock doesn't (always) take itself too seriously. It boasts some truly cheap (but great) scarey moments. Prepare to be shocked, scream, shoot/swing/zap wildly, scream again then laugh (perhaps a little nervously) while you wipe the sweat from your brow and prepare for the next "surprise".

Creepiness comes in waves. Just when you think you're numb to the violent despair of Rapture, yet another superbly disturbed character is introduced and tips you over the edge again. (Sander Cohen's ode to rabbits anyone?!!). Juxtaposition is used to great effect. Classical music and crazed killers? Got it. Horrifying brutality followed by heartfelt sentimentality? Done and done.

I stuck to my guns and only played this game alone, in the dark, wearing headphones - I recommend the experience. ;-) Would you kindly go and get a copy?

PS In spite of early promise, the critics' consensus is that the Xbox 360 version port of Two Worlds sucks. Also, Assassin's Creed's review scores are suspiciously varied but after reading Gabe's reasoning, I caved and bought a copy. More at a later date...

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